OAuth vs. JWT: Ultimate Comparison

Learn how to use OAuth and JWT to secure web applications. By reading this post, you will gain a clear understanding of when to use each one and how to implement them effectively in your apps.

One of the most critical decisions in a software development project is selecting security standards. This decisions affects not only the security and performance of your app but also the user experience.

When it comes to web application security, OAuth and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are the most widely adopted standards.

OAuth and JWT each have different characteristics and purposes, which determine how you use them in your apps.

In this article, we will break down OAuth and JWT and compare their functionalities and use cases.

You will also learn how to use them together to secure web applications. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of when to use each one and how to implement them effectively in your apps.

Table of Contents

Understanding OAuth

What is OAuth?

OAuth stands for Open Authorization. It is an authentication protocol that authorizes one application to interact with another on your behalf.

The main goal of OAuth is to allow websites and apps to access a user's information without having the user disclose their passwords. This kind of access is important for making secure apps that work on different platforms.

To further understand OAuth, it's important to grasp the key components involved in the process:

  • Resource Owner: This is the user that owns the data or resource.
  • Client: The application requesting access to the user's resource.
  • Authorization Server: The authorization server sends access tokens to the client after authenticating the user.
  • Resource Server: This server hosts the resource or data that the client wants to access.

How OAuth Works?


Here's a detailed breakdown of the OAuth flow:

  1. Request Resource: The client asks to access a resource controlled by the user.
  2. Redirect User for Authorization: The client sends the user to the authorization server to begin authorization.
  3. User Consent: The authorization server asks the user to approve the client's request to access their resources.
  4. Provide Consent: The user reviews the request and agrees to it.
  5. Return Authorization Code: After consent, the authorization server redirects the user back to the client with an authorization code.
  6. Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token: The client sends a request to the authorization server to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
  7. Receive Access Token: The authorization server provides the client with an access token.
  8. Request Resource with Access Token: The client uses the access token to request the desired resource from the resource server.
  9. Validate Access Token: The resource server checks the access token to ensure it's valid and has the required permissions.
  10. Provide Resource: If the access token is valid, the resource server gives the requested resource to the client.

OAuth Versions

OAuth has evolved over the years and has two major versions:

  • OAuth 1.0a: This is the original version. It was secure but hard to use because it needed cryptographic signatures.
  • OAuth 2.0: This is the more popular version. It's easier to use and more flexible, but it must be implemented carefully to stay secure.

Use Cases of OAuth

OAuth is widely used across various industries and scenarios, including:

  • Social Media Integration: Letting users login to different services using their social media accounts (e.g., "Log in with Facebook").
  • API Authorization: Allowing third-party developers to access user data through APIs without needing the user's login details.
  • Enterprise Applications: Providing secure access to company resources and services from third-party apps.

Examples in the real world include apps like Slack working with Google Drive or fitness trackers connecting with health data platforms.

Understanding JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

What is JWT?

JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a widely used standard for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information is secure and can be trusted because it is digitally signed.

The primary goal of JWT is to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the transmitted information. Developers commonly use JWTs to create authentication systems that do not require storing session details, which is known as stateless authentication.

Structure of a JWT

A JWT consists of three parts, which together form the structure of a JWT:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature

Let's break down each structure:

  1. Header: The header has two parts: the type of token (JWT) and the signing algorithm used, for example, HMAC SHA256 or RSA.

      "alg": "HS256",
      "typ": "JWT"
  2. Payload: The payload consists of claims. Claims are statements about an entity, typically the user, along with additional data. There are three types of claims:

    • Registered claims: These are predefined claims that are not mandatory but recommended, such as iss (issuer), exp (expiration time), sub (subject), and aud (audience).
    • Public claims: Claims that any user can define but should be unique to avoid conflicts.
    • Private claims: Private claims are custom claims designed to share information between parties who agree to use them.

    An example payload might look like this:

      "sub": "1234567890",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "admin": true

    This JSON is then encoded using Base64URL to create the second part of the JWT.

  3. Signature: To create the signature, you combine the encoded header and payload with a secret using the specified algorithm from the header and then sign it.

    For instance, if you choose to use the HMAC SHA256 algorithm, the signature is created in this manner:

      base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

    The output is a JWT as follows:


Example Scenario: User Authentication


Consider a user logging into an application. Here's how JWT can be used to manage the authentication process:

  1. User Login: The user logs in with their credentials (e.g., username and password).
  2. JWT Issuance: After a successful login, the server creates a JWT containing the user's details (claims) and sends it to the client.
  3. Client Storage: The client stores the JWT, typically in local storage or a cookie.
  4. Authenticated Requests: For subsequent requests, the client sends the JWT in the HTTP authorization header.
  5. Token Verification: The server verifies the JWT's signature and checks the claims (e.g., expiration time) to ensure the token is valid.
  6. Access Granted: If the JWT is valid, the server processes the request. Otherwise, it responds with an unauthorized error.

Use Cases of JWT

JWTs have many uses across different scenarios. Some common use cases include:

  • Authentication: JWTs are often used for user authentication, replacing traditional session management. They offer a way to handle user sessions without storing them.
  • Information Exchange: JWTs can securely transmit information between parties. Their compact size and URL-safe nature make them well-suited for embedding in URLs, HTTP headers, and other transport methods.
  • Access Control: JWTs can be used to control access to resources by encoding user roles and permissions in the token, ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources.

Real-world examples include implementations of single sign-on (SSO), API authentication, and mobile app authentication.

Comparing OAuth and JWT

Key Differences

  • Purpose and Primary Use Cases: OAuth is used for authorization by allowing third-party apps to access resources securely without sharing sensitive credentials. On the other hand, JWT is used for authentication and for securely exchanging information.
  • Token Types: OAuth access tokens are opaque and aren't designed for the client to understand; they need validation by the resource server. In contrast, JWTs pack all necessary information within the token itself so they can be verified locally without involving the server.
  • Complexity and Implementation: OAuth involves multiple steps and interactions between clients, authorization servers, and resource servers. This makes it more complex to implement when compared to JWT.

Pros and Cons

OAuth Advantages

  • Delegated Access: OAuth's main advantage is that it allows delegated access. This means users can give third-party apps specific permissions without sharing their passwords. OAuth also enhances security by minimizing the risk of exposing user credentials and gives users control over who can access their data.
  • Granular Permissions: OAuth uses scopes to define what actions an access token can perform. This lets users control the permissions that third-party apps get, ensuring they only have access to what they need.
  • Refresh Tokens: OAuth can issue refresh tokens, which let apps get new access tokens without needing users to log in again. This improves the user experience by providing continuous access to resources. It also keeps access tokens short-lived, making them less risky if they get compromised.

OAuth Disadvantages

  • Complexity: The OAuth process has many steps and interactions, which can be tough to implement correctly. Developers need to handle various issues like token expiration and revocation to ensure everything works securely.
  • Token Management: Managing access and refresh tokens can be complicated, especially with multiple clients and resource servers. Issuing, storing, validating, and revoking tokens requires careful planning.
  • Server Load: Frequently checking access tokens with the authorization server can slow things down and increase server load. This can affect performance, especially in busy applications where tokens need to be validated often.

JWT Advantages

  • Stateless Authentication: JWTs enable stateless authentication by including all necessary information within the token. This means servers can check tokens without needing to keep a session state.
  • Performance: Since JWTs can be checked locally without contacting the server, they can improve performance and reduce delay for client requests. This is helpful in high-traffic environments where reducing server load is important.
  • Compact and URL-Safe: JWTs are small and can be easily included in URLs, headers, and other transport methods. Their small size and safe encoding make them great for various uses, like API authentication and mobile app sessions.

JWT Disadvantages

  • Token Size: JWTs can be large because they include claims and a signature, which can increase network usage. This can be a problem in situations with limited bandwidth or when sending tokens often.
  • Security Risks: Using JWTs securely means following cryptographic principles and best practices carefully. Risks like token leakage, replay attacks, and exposing sensitive data need to be managed with proper token design, encryption, and validation.
  • No Built-in Revocation: Unlike OAuth, JWTs don't have a built-in way to revoke tokens. Once a JWT is issued, it's valid until it expires, which makes it hard to invalidate tokens immediately if they are compromised or need to be revoked.

How OAuth and JWT Work Together

Integration Scenarios

In many modern applications, OAuth and JWT can be used together. One common setup is using JWTs as OAuth access tokens. In this setup, the authorization server issues a JWT as an access token, which the client then uses to access the resource server.

Here's a detailed example of how this integration works:

  1. Authorization Request: The client application requests authorization from the user to access their resources.
  2. Authorization Grant: The user grants permission, and the client receives an authorization code.
  3. Access Token Request: The client sends the authorization code to the OAuth authorization server.
  4. JWT Issuance: The authorization server generates a JWT as the access token and sends it back to the client.
  5. Resource Request: The client uses the JWT access token to request resources from the resource server.
  6. Token Validation: The resource server validates the JWT by checking its signature and claims, ensuring it is valid and has the necessary permissions.
  7. Resource Response: If the JWT is valid, the resource server processes the request and returns the requested resources to the client.

Benefits of Combining OAuth and JWT

  • Enhanced Security: Using JWTs as access tokens in OAuth combines their strengths. OAuth provides strong authorization, while JWTs offer a secure and efficient way to send and validate tokens.
  • Improved Performance: The resource server can check JWTs locally without needing to contact the authorization server, reducing delay and server load.
  • Interoperability: Using both OAuth and JWT helps different services and apps work together more easily. Many modern APIs and services support both, making it simpler to integrate and secure multiple systems.

Real-World Examples

Several real-world applications use OAuth and JWT together to secure their services. Here are a few examples:

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO): Many enterprise systems use OAuth for SSO, where the authorization server gives out JWTs as access tokens. This lets users log in once and access multiple services without having to log in again.
  2. API Gateway: In microservices setups, an API gateway can use OAuth to authorize clients and issue JWTs as access tokens. The microservices then validate these JWTs locally, leading to a secure and efficient access control.
  3. Mobile and Web Applications: Applications like Google and Facebook use OAuth to authorize third-party apps to access user data. These access tokens, often JWTs, provide an efficient way to manage user sessions and permissions across different platforms.

Choosing the Right Solution

When deciding between OAuth, JWT, or a combination of both for your application, several factors need to be considered. Each technology has its strengths and is suited to different scenarios. Here's a guide to help you choose the right solution based on your requirements.

Factors to Consider

  • Security Requirements: Think about the security your application needs. If you need detailed access control and want to allow third-party apps to access data, OAuth might be better. If you need a secure way to send user info without keeping session data, JWT is a good choice.
  • Application Architecture: Consider your app's architecture. For microservices and distributed systems, JWTs are great because they're stateless. OAuth is useful in a centralized setup for handling authorization across different services and platforms.
  • User Experience and Performance: Consider how your choice affects user experience and performance. JWTs can boost performance by cutting down on server-side checks. However, OAuth offers features like refresh tokens, which can improve user experience by keeping users logged in longer without needing to re-authenticate often.

Recommendations for Different Scenarios

When to Use OAuth

  • Third-Party Access: If your app needs to let third-party apps access user resources without sharing user credentials, OAuth is the way to go. Examples include logging in with Google, Facebook, or other social media accounts.
  • Granular Permissions: If your app needs detailed control over permissions with different levels of access, OAuth's scope feature is helpful.
  • Complex Authorization Workflows: For apps with complex authorization needs, like enterprise systems with multiple roles and permissions, OAuth offers the right framework to manage these securely.

When to Use JWT

  • Stateless Authentication: If your app needs stateless authentication, where the server can check tokens without keeping session data, JWT is very effective. This approach is common in API authentication and mobile apps.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): For SSO, where one login gives access to multiple services, JWTs are useful because they can carry information and be easily validated by different services.
  • Efficient Information Exchange: When you need a compact, URL-safe way to securely send information between parties, JWTs are a great choice. Their self-contained nature makes sharing and validating info simpler.

When to Combine Both

  • OAuth with JWT Access Tokens: Combining OAuth with JWT access tokens is a powerful approach for apps needing delegated access and stateless authentication. It blends OAuth's strong authorization with JWT's efficiency and speed.
  • Microservices Architectures: In microservices setups, using OAuth for initial authorization and issuing JWTs as access tokens lets each microservice check tokens locally. This cuts down on interactions with the authorization server and boosts the overall system performance.
  • Enhanced Security and Scalability: Using OAuth alongside JWTs enhances security by managing token lifetimes with OAuth's refresh tokens. JWTs also offer a scalable, stateless token validation for each request.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we have explored the differences between OAuth and JWT. Understanding their strengths and use cases is crucial for implementing efficient authentication and authorization mechanisms.

When choosing between OAuth, JWT, or a combination of both, consider your application's specific needs, including security requirements, architecture, user experience, and performance.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can implement the most appropriate solution to ensure your web apps are both efficient and secure.